Andrew Heenan's Real names Directory    

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Q  Ra  Ran  Re  Rem  Ri  Roa  Rod  Ros  Ru

Sun Ra, Jazz musician; Herman Poole Blount (Birmingham, Alabama 22 May 1914 - 30 May 1993).

Paula Radcliffe, Athlete; Paula Jane Radcliffe, MBE (Davenham, Cheshire, England 17 December 1973).

Gilda Radner, Actor, comic; Gilda Susan Radner (Detroit, Michigan 28 June 1946 - 20 May 1989).

Lee Radziwill, Public relations executive, former actor; Caroline Lee Bouvier Canfield Radziwill Ross (Southampton, New York 3 March 1933).

Charlotte Rae, Actor; Charlotte Rae Lubotsky (Milwaukee, Wisconsin 22 April 1926).

Chips Rafferty, Actor, producer and writer; John William Goffage (Broken Hill, New South Wales 26 March 1909 - 27 May 1971). Films included The Desert Rats, The Sundowners.

Raffi, Children's television entertainer; Raffi Cavoukian (Cairo, Egypt 8 July 1948).

George Raft, George Ranft, Actor, (USA, 1895-1980).

A. R. Rahman, Film director; Dileep Kumar (Madras 6 January 1966). Adopted the name Allah Rakha Rahman when he coverted to Islam.

Aishwarya Rai, Miss World 1994; Aishwarya Rai (Karnataka, India, 1 November 1973).

Ella Raines, Actor; Ella Wallace Raines (Sinoqualmie Falls, Washington 6 August 1921 - 6 June 1988).

Ma Rainey, Blues singer; Gertrude Pridgett (Columbus, Georgia, 26 April 1886 - 22 December 1939).

Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand de Grimaldi, (Monaco, 1923).

Claude Rains, Actor; William Claude Rains (London, England 10 November 1889 - 30 May 1967).

Rakim, rapper; Rakim Allah, born William Michael Griffin Jr. (Wyandanch, Long Island, New York 28 January 1968).

Buck Ram, Musician/songwriter/manager (The Platters). Samuel Ram, (USA, 1907-1991).

Dack Rambo, Actor; Norman Rambo (Earlimart, California 13 November 1941 - 21 March 1994).

Dirk Rambo, Actor; Orman Rambo (Earlimart, California 13 November 1941 - 5 February 1967).

Natacha Rambova, Actor; Winifred Kimball Shaughnessy (Salt Lake City, Utah 19 January 1897 - 5 June 1966); Married to Rudolph Valentino, 1923-25.

CJ Ramone, Guitarist; Christopher John Ward (Long Island, New York 8 October 1965).

Dee Dee Ramone, Musician and singer (The Ramones), Douglas Colvin, (Fort Lee, Virginia 18 September 1952 - 5 June 2002).

Joey Ramone, Musician and singer (The Ramones), Jeffrey Hyman, (USA, 1951).

Johnny Ramone, Guitarist; John Cummings (Long Island, New York 8 October 1948 - 16 September 2004).

Marky Ramone, Musician and singer (The Ramones), Mark Bell, (USA).

Tommy Ramone, Musician and singer (The Ramones), Thomas Erdelyi, (USA, 1949).

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