Angel of Death, Doctor; Josef Mengele (Günzburg, Bavaria 16 March 1911 - 7 February 1979).
Heather Angel, Actor; Heather Grace Angel (Oxford, England 9 February 1909 - 13 December 1986).
Pier Angeli, Actor, Anna Maria Pierangeli, (Italy, 1932).
Maya Angelou, Writer; Marguerite Johnson (St. Louis, Missouri, 4 April 1928).
Muriel Angelus, Actor; Muriel Findlay (London 10 March 1909 - 26 june 2004).
Jennifer Aniston, Television actor, Jennifer Pitt, née Anistonapoulos, aka Jennifer Anastassakis (USA, 1969). The Angicization of the Greek name varies a little.
Annabella, Actor, Suzanne Georgette Carpentier, (France, 1910-1996).
Orphan Anne, Radio announcer; Iva Toguri D'Aquino née Iva Ikuko Toguri (Los Angeles, California 4 July 1916 - 26 September 2006). Convicted of treason, later pardoned; she was one of several announcers on Tokyo Radio during World War II to be labelled 'Tokyo Rose'.
Ann-Margret, Actor, singer, dancer' Ann-Margret Olsson, Actor (Sweden, 1941).
Cap Anson, Baseball player; Adrian Constantine Anson (Chicago, Illinois 17 April 1852 14 April 1922).
Adam Ant, Rock singer, actor, Stuart Leslie Goddard (UK, 1954).
Little Anthony, Singer; Anthony Gourdine (Brooklyn, New York 8 January 1940). First sang falsetto with the Duponts, but found fame with the Imperials (originally called the Chesters). The 'Little' prefix was added at the suggestion of disc jockey Alan Freed.
Lysette Anthony, Movie Television actor, Lysette Chodsko, (England, 1963).
Marc Anthony, Singer; Marco Antonio Muniz (Spanish Harlem, New York 16 September 1968).
Mark Anthony, Soldier; Marcus Antonius (Rome c. 14 January 83 BC - 1 August 30 BC).
Piers Anthony, Science fiction writer; Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob (Oxford, England 6 August 1934).
Ray Anthony, Musician and bandleader, Raymond Antonioni, (USA, 1922).
Susan B. Anthony, Campaigner for women; Susan Brownell Anthony (Adams, Massachusetts 15 February 1820 - 13 march 1906).
Antoninus Pius, Roman Emperor; Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus Pius (Lanuvium 19 September 86 - 7 March 161)