Andrew Heenan's Real names Directory    

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Ma  Mai  Mar  Mart  Mas  McA  McH  Me  Mer  Mi  Mim  Mo  Moo  Mor  Mu

Garnet Mimms, Soul Singer; Garrett Mimms (Ashland, West Virginia 26 November 1933).

Cardinal József Mindszenty, Catholic priest; József Pehm (Mindszent, Hungary 29 March 1892 - 6 May 1975).

Sal Mineo, Actor, Salvatore Mineo Jr. (Bronx, New York 10 January 1939 - 13 February 1976).

Liza Minnelli, Singer, actor; Liza May Minnelli (Los Angeles 12 march 1946). That's Liza with a 'Z', not Lisa with an 'S'.

Vincente Minnelli, Movie director, Lester Anthony Minnelli, (Chicago 28 February 1903 - 25 July 1986).

Kylie Minogue; Singer, previously Soap Actor; Kylie Ann Minogue (Melbourne 1971).

Mike Minor, Actor; Michael Fedderson (San Francisco, California 7 December 1940).

Mary Miles Minter, Silent film actor (Original Anne of Green Gables), Juliet Riley, (USA, 1902-1984).

Carmen Miranda, Actor, singer, dancer, Maria de Carmo Miranda de Cunha (Portugal, 1909-55).

Dame Helen Mirren, Actor; Ilyena Lydia Mironoff (London 26 July 1945).

Mistinguett, Moulin Rouges and Folies Bergere dancer and singer, Jeanne Bourgeois, (France, 1875-1956).

Billy Mitchell, Aviator; William Mitchell (Nice, France 29 December 1879 - 19 February 1936). Also known as: "Father of the U.S. Air Force"

Cameron Mitchell, Actor, Cameron McDowell Mizell, (1918-1994).

Guy Mitchell, Singer, Albert George Cernick, (Detroit, Michigan 27 February 1927 - 1 July 1999).

Joni Mitchell, Singer and songwriter, Roberta Joan Anderson, (Canada, 1943).

Thomas Mitchell, Actor; Thomas Mitchell (Elizabeth, New Jersey 11 July 1892 - 17 December 1962).

Warren Mitchell, Actor; Warren Misell.

Robert Mitchum, Actor; Robert Charles Durman Mitchum (Bridgeport, Connecticut 6 August 1917 1 July 1997 Santa Barbara, California).

Tom Mix, Circus and screen equestrian, western actor; Thomas Edwin Mix (Mix Run, near Dubois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 1880 - 12 October 1940). He was born Thomas Hezekiah Mix, but "he never cared for it".

Sir Mix-A-Lot, Rapper; Anthony Ray (Seattle 12 August 1963).

Mimi Miyagi, Porn actor and aspiring politician; Melody Damayo (Davao City, Philippines 3 July 1973).

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